Minutes of the General Assembly meeting – 2007/11/30


The General Assembly of the Friuli Venezia Giulia/Veneto/South-Western Croatia CGIL, CISL, UIL, SSSH Interregional Trade Union Council met on 30th November 2007 in Rovinj (HR) at the Eden Hotel in Ulica Luja Adamovića b.b.

Attending members: Roberto Treu (CGIL Friuli Venezia Giulia), Lorenzo Garziera (CISL Friuli Venezia Giulia, substitute of Massimo Albanesi who is on leave), Luca Visentini (UIL Friuli Venezia Giulia), Michele Berti (UIL Friuli Venezia Giulia), Giovanni Della Valle (CISL Veneto), Gerardo Colamarco (UIL Veneto), Jadranka Tomašić (SSSH South-Western Croatia), Slobodan Kapor (SSSH South-Western Croatia), Josip Šišović (SSSH South-Western Croatia), Vesna Bolić (SSSH South-Western Croatia), Gordana Paris (SSSH South-Western Croatia), Veljko Peloza (SSSH South-Western Croatia), Branko Kužet (SSSH South-Western Croatia).

Absent on leave: Giobatta Degano (CGIL Friuli Venezia Giulia), Giovanni Fania (CISL Friuli Venezia Giulia).

Absent without leave: Salvino Bibulić (SSSH South-Western Croatia) and Boris Majetić (SSSH South-Western Croatia).

Attending guests: Leonardo Zucchini (CGIL Veneto), Grazia Chisin (UIL Veneto) and Ivica Perinić (SSSH South-Western Croatia).

Agenda of the General Assembly:

  • Bodies’ appointments;
  • Approval of the 2006 budget;
  • Planning of 2008 activities;
  • Any other business.

Luca Visentini, acting as President of IR.T.U.C., opened and chaired the General Assembly at 10.35. A swap in the order of the agenda items was suggested and members were asked if they agree to start with item n. 4. No objections were made and the proposal was adopted.

4. The outcomes of the workshop on collective bargaining in the trade sector in Italy and Croatia, which was held the day before, were summarised and the participants were informed that after the IR.T.U.C. General Assembly meeting, a press conference will be held with Croatian media to present the adopted proposals. Moreover, with reference to what the colleagues from the STH Trade Union, affiliated to SSSH, said on the previous day, i.e. the COOP Nordest management had not been open to negotiations for the staff of its branches in Croatia, the draft resolution that the General Assembly was called upon to adopt was read out. This resolutions, as suggested by some colleagues on the previous day in the above workshop, on one hand, condemned the company’s attitude and, on the other, support was expressed to STH, urging for proper conditions for debate with the trade unions. A short debate was held, and some amendments were adopted. At the end, the final resolution was read out and a vote was held. The IR.T.U.C. General Assembly unanimously adopted the resolution (attached) with the commitment  to send it to the national headquarters of FILCAMS-CGIL, FISASCAT-CISL e UILTuCS-UIL, if negotiations between COOP Nordest and STH do not start and not achieve positive results for Croatian workers due to the attitude of the company.

3. The attending members were reminded that the IR.T.U.C. Presidency Office, in its meeting of 9th October 2007, resolved to submit the following proposal for action for 2008 to the IR.T.U.C. General Assembly, namely a comparison concerning collective bargaining in the tourist sector in Italy and in Croatia and a comparison on restructuring policies in the shipbuilding sector in the two countries. A short debate was held, and agreement was expressed on this proposal, especially because it was topical both in Croatia and in Italy, including for the impact on labour procurement and safety in the workplace. The following remarks were made:

  1. priority must be given to debate on restructuring policies in the shipbuilding sector in the two countries over the debate on tourism;
  2. a meeting must be held between the trade unions of the iron and steel sector affiliated to the trade union organizations members of IR.T.U.C., to discuss on how organize the activity related to restructuring policies in the shipbuilding sector in Italy and in Croatia.

A vote was held on the proposal concerning the 2008 planning of IR.T.U.C. activity, as described above. The General Assembly unanimously adopted the proposal.

1. As the two-year mandate of the members of IR.T.U.C. bodies expired, under article 3, paragraph 1, article 4, paragraph 1 and article 5, paragraph 1 of the Articles of Associations of IR.T.U.C., new appointments had to be made. As for the General Assembly, the following candidates were presented:

  • Roberto Treu and Giobatta Degano (both full and reappointed members) and Monica Ukmar (substitute of Roberto Treu, reappointed) for CGIL Friuli Venezia Giulia;
  • Giovanni Fania (full and reappointed member) and Lorenzo Garziera (new full member, replacing Massimo Albanesi) for CISL Friuli Venezia Giulia;
  • Luca Visentini and Michele Berti (both full and reappointed members) for UIL Friuli Venezia Giulia;
  • Emilio Viafora (new full member, replacing Luciana Levi Bettin) for CGIL Veneto;
  • Giovanni Della Valle (full and reappointed member) for CISL Veneto;
  • Gerardo Colamarco (full and reappointed member) for UIL Veneto;
  • Jadranka Tomašić (full and reappointed member), Slobodan Kapor (full and reappointed member), Josip Šišović (full and reappointed member), Ivica Perinić (new member, replacing Boris Majetić), Vesna Bolić (full and reappointed member), Gordana Paris (full and reappointed member), Veljko Peloza (full and reappointed member), Branko Kužet (full and reappointed member) and another candidate that will be presented during the first meeting of the Presidency Office of IR.T.U.C. of 2008 (full and new member, replacing Salvino Bibulić) for SSSH of South-Western Croatia.

A vote was held on the proposal concerning the candidates of the General Assembly of  IR.T.U.C., as presented by member trade unions. The General Assembly unanimously adopted the proposal. As for the appointment of the Presidency Office members, the following candidates were presented, considering that – under article 4, paragraph 1 of the Articles of Association – CGIL will present the candidate representing the Veneto trade unions for the period 2007-2009:

  • Roberto Treu (riappointed member) for CGIL Friuli Venezia Giulia;
  • Lorenzo Garziera (new member, replacing Massimo Albanesi) for CISL Friuli Venezia Giulia;
  • Luca Visentini (reappointed member) for UIL Friuli Venezia Giulia;
  • Emilio Viafora (new member, replacing Gerardo Colamarco) for CGIL Veneto;
  • Jadranka Tomašić (reappointed member), Slobodan Kapor (reappointed member), Josip Šišović (reappointed member) e Ivica Perinić (new member, replacing Boris Majetić) for SSSH of South-Western Croatia.

A vote was held on the proposal concerning the candidates for the Presidency Office of  IR.T.U.C., as presented by member trade unions. IR.T.U.C. General Assembly thanked the outgoing member, Gerardo Colamarco, for his contribution during the period 2005-2007 and it unanimously adopted the proposal. As for the appointment of the IR.T.U.C. President, the following candidate was presented:

  • Luca Visentini (reappointed) for UIL Friuli Venezia Giulia;

A vote was held on the proposal concerning the President of  I.R.T.U.C., as presented by member trade unions. The General Assembly unanimously adopted the proposal.
In compliance with article 4, paragraph 3 of the Articles of Association of IR.T.U.C., the Vice-President of IR.T.U.C. will be appointed during the first meeting of the IR.T.U.C. Presidency Office in 2008.

4. The three items of expenditure of the IR.T.U.C. 2006 budget were explained, the relevant breakdown was the following:

  • “Administration” € 59.466,56,
  • “International and Cross-border Activities” € 12.387,18 and
  • “Equipment” € 5.018,90.

Implemented activities were briefly outlined together with the relevant costs in line with the actual expenditure. The total expenditure amounted to € 76.872,64.

As for the two items of the revenue in the IR.T.U.C. 2006 budget, the relevant breakdown was the following:

  • “Financing from the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, under article 5 of the Regional Act n. 11 of 1996 and subsequent amendments and integrations, for the implementation of institutional activities” € 62.000,00 and
  • Contribution of the member trade union for the implementation of institutional activities€ 14.872,64.

This year, the total expenditure of the IR.T.U.C. amounted to € 76.872,64, resulting  also for these year in a perfect balance between revenue and expenditure for 2006. As no one asked to take the floor or asked for explanations, the vote on 2006 budget was held. The General Assembly unanimously adopted the proposal.

As no requests to take the floor were made, Luca Visentini officially closed the meeting of the IR.T.U.C. General Assembly at 11.30.

The minute-taker
Michele Berti


  1. Resolution of the General Assembly of Friuli Venezia Giulia/Veneto/South-Western Croatia CGIL, CISL, UIL, SSSH Interregional Trade Union Council.