Constitutive Act

Between the Friuli – Venezia Giulia and Veneto sections of the Italian Confederations of CGIL, CISL and UIL Trade Unions and SSSH – SAVEZ SAMOSTALNIH SINDIKATA HRVATSKE – of Istria


intense and mutually beneficial trade union relations have been in place for some time now in a framework of close economic, social and cultural relations between the two regions


such relations will be further enhanced, as Croatia has applied to the EU; therefore, the status and the issues affecting workers in the two areas will have to be regularly monitored and assessed with a view to promoting proper and effective measures on social welfare and migration, especially on cross-border migratory flows, measures aimed at fostering good relations and mutual understanding between different cultural and ethnic communities, the support of the infrastructure integration plans and relevant instruments at national and EU levels concerning border areas, the development of exchanges in the sectors of training, science and technology, health issues in the workplace, the exchange of experience within the Alps-Adriatic Working Community, including on complex problems of neighbouring countries:


at EU level, Istria has already qualified as Euroregion due to its geographic position, as it includes parts of the Italian and Slovenian territory; Istria has a significant Italian minority with its own social and cultural organisations; Italian trade unions are active in many cities in this area with fully operating offices dealing with workers’ rights; considering the historic relations with Venice, the Veneto Region has established a series of cultural and economic relations with Istria

it is hereby agreed to establish

the Interregional Trade Union Council (ITUC) including Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto and Istria with the prospect of later extending its action to the areas of Rijeka and Kvarner.

ITUC aims at defending and promoting economic, social and cultural interests of workers and retired citizens in these three areas by means of the following:

a shared assessment of local regional issues and bilateral relations in the framework of the relations between Italy and Croatia and, more in general, in the framework of international relations – European Union, Alps-Adriatic Working Community, Community of Central-European Countries, etc.;

independent proactive actions aimed at supporting the development and the economic integration processes and enhancing the principles of peace and peaceful cohabitation as well as the protection of ethnic and linguistic minorities;

insights into issues concerning the economy and the labour market in the cross-border cooperation, the promotion of any proper initiatives aimed at reinforcing the role and the action of the trade unions as well as to support the development of workers’ rights;

the definition of common objectives and guidelines resulting from regular exchanges among the partners and as a prerequisite for coordinated actions with governmental and private stakeholders.

The Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto sections of the Italian Confederations of CGIL, CISL and UIL Trade Unions and S.S.S.H. – SAVEZ SAMOSTALNIH SINDIKATA HRVATSKE – of Istria herby agree as follows:

1) It is hereby founded the Interregional Trade Union Council (ITUC) Friuli – Venezia Giulia – Veneto – Istria;

2) ITUC has the following bodies:

  1. the General Assembly, which will meet at least once a year; the Assembly includes 19 trade union representatives – 7 from S.S.S.H. and 12 from CGIL CISL UIL;
  2. the General Assembly has a structure based on committees or permanent working groups;
  3. the Presidency Office, including 1 representative from each trade union for a total of 6 members having an equal representation between Istria and Italian trade unions.

The members of the bodies specified at a., b. and c. are appointed by their respective organisations.

Decisions will have to be agreed between the two parties.

The Presidency Office is the coordinating body of IR.T.U.C.; it is chaired by a President appointed in turn by the Friuli Venezia-Giulia sections of CGIL-CISL-UIL and two Vice-presidents, one will be appointed by S.S.S.H. and the other will be appointed in turn by the Veneto section of CGIL-CISL-UIL. Rotating positions are appointed on an annual basis.
The members of the Presidency Office will chair the committees and will be assisted by two Vice-presidents.

Committees will promote and submit proposals to IR.T.U.C. and they will support the Presidency Office in its tasks.

The Presidency Office will take decisions by unanimity on issues concerning administration and implementation of projects and initiatives.

IR.T.U.C. has been officially founded on 19th June 1995. Within a year from this date, the Presidency Office and the General Assembly will determine whether these Articles of Association need to be amended with a view to improving the activities of the organisation.